The Breuer House and Wellfleet History
Presentation at the Wellfleet Library, April 2, 2024, on Zoom.
45 minutes
Fourth of July Parade
CCMHT and friends join Samba Jim and the Berkshire Bateria spreading the word about the Trust’s project to save the Marcel Breuer house. Video by Agnes Flatly.
1 minute (2023)
The Naked Archive
A short film about our 2022 artist/scholar residency. Film maker Ryan Foley followed the scholars as they dove into the hundreds of books and artifacts still to be found in the Breuer and Chermayeff houses. Our curator, Elizabeth Otto (author of many books on the Bauhaus), and scholars: Oliver Botar, Veronika Fuechtner, and Jordan Troeller. Film by CCMHT and Ryan Lowry, production by Aaron Binaco and edited by Natasha Gilberti.
4 minutes (2023)
The Hatch House
A beautiful short film narrated by Gilly Hatch, who grew up in the house with her family. By Aaron Binaco.
4.5 minutes (2022)
The Weidlinger House
A meditative multi-screen film made in the house during Covid isolation. The film examines aspects of this radical house and its bucolic site. By Aaron Binaco.
16 minutes (2020)
Cape Cod Modern Houses
A very early interview with Peter McMahon discussing background of forming the Trust.
9 minutes (2009)
An Alchemy
By mayfield brooks: Set at Weidlinger house, “I am dancing an Autumn meditation. A contemplation. A transformation of matter.” mayfield was one of our 2020 CCMHT artist/scholar residents.
14 minutes (2020)
Before Zeta
By Brittany Engel-Adams: This film was shot at Kugel-Gips House during the wake of global Black Lives Matter uprisings and the stark disparities exposed by the COVD-19 epidemic. Brittany was one of our 2020 CCMHT artist/scholar residents.
7.5 minutes (2020)
Party at the Chermayeff House
This very short, sped up, film was taken during the last night of the residency curated by Paula Peters, Wampanoag tribal leader. The artists included members of four tribes, from Massachusetts, Maine, New York and Oklahoma.By Elizabeth Giamatti (on her cell phone)
35 seconds (2021)
Weidlinger House
Aerial footage of the house, pond and surrounding woods as well as the interior. By Paul Heck
1 minute (2020)
Hatch House
Aerial footage of the house, bay and site, as well as the interior. By Paul Heck.
1 minute (2020)
Accidental Camera Obscura at the Weidlinger House
Under the right conditions, the setting sun coming through the peg board In the entrance hall creates a Camera Obscura effect on the opposite wall. The surrounding landscape and pond are projected as tiny upside-down moving images. This is coincidental (or possibly intentional) since as a young man Weidlinger worked in the office of his fellow Hungarian, Lazlo Moholy Nagy, in London. Moholy used perforated planes and light projection to create similar effects in his sculpture and photography. By Peter McMahon
25 seconds (2022)
Jam at the Kohlberg House
Thomas Moses and his band There Were Wires spent a couple of stormy days in January at Kohlberg recording music and looking at the ocean. Thomas has worked on CCMHT restorations and projects extensively since 2014. Film by There Were Wires.
1 minute (2023)
Cape Cod Modernism and Catalonian Connections
A lecture by Peter McMahon’s given at the invitation of the Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC), Girona Spain. The talk looks at some surprising connections between the Wellfleet designers and the modern architects working in Cadaques, a small town on the Mediterranean near Barcelona. The introduction is in Catalan and Peter is speaking slowly since there was some simultaneous translation going on.
60 minutes (2023)
A lecture at Highland House Museum in Truro
Peter McMahon presents a lecture accompanied by images of both the extraordinary mid-century homes and the architects that built them.
55 minutes (2018)